Atvusb-creator Install

Make a patchstick (atvusb-creator) Creating a patchstick on a USB thumbdrive can install SSH on your AppleTV without opening the box. Once SSH is installed other plugins, codecs and other hacks can be installed. The easiest way to do this is through ATVUSB-Creator. Their site includes instructions. Oct 12, 2008 Then I just fill in the contents under atvusb-creator according to the user selection. Once the fat32 partition image is complete, then like the first partition, inject it into the proper place inside the GPT formated USB disk image. If you have a Mac, just download and run the OS X version of atvusb-creator. Choose 'ATV-Bootloader' for the installation and create your bootable flash drive. When done, if you unplug/plug the USB disk, you should see an empty PATCHSTICK partition. Step 1: Use this link to download atvusb-creator and save it on your desktop. Choose the newest version of the atvusb-creator interim solution with SSH/XBMC/Boxee installers for XP/Vista platforms. Step 2: From your desktop open the file you just downloaded ( Step 3: Now drag the folder atv-win-1.0.b11 to your desktop.

Atvusb-creator Install Windows

Atvusb-creator install new

Atvusb-creator Install Code

Atvusb-creator install app

Atvusb-creator Install Free

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Jailbreak Apple TV Original (1G) – ATVUSB-Creator

posted 5 Mar 2012, 05:56 by Yang Yang
These are instructions on how to jailbreak your AppleTV using a patchstick created by atv-win on Windows.
Before getting started you need will need a USB Stick which can be fully erased.
Step One
Create a folder called Patchstick on your desktop, download atv-win from here, and place it into the folder.
Double click to open the archive and drag the atv-win executable into the Patchstick folder.
Double click atv-win-3.0.exe to launch the application.
Step Two
Select the newest firmware version from the Firmware Version dropdown and select SSHfrom the checkboxes below. Click the Create Patchstick button to continue.
Step Three
Atv-win will now ask you for a location to save a .img file. Navigate to the Patchstick folder on your desktop, input a filename of atv-patchstick.img and click the Save button.
Step Four
Atv-win will download the latest AppleTV firmware build the .img file.
Step Five
A popup will appear informing you that your patchstick img has been created successfully. Click the OK button.
Step Six
When asked if you would like to run USB Image Tool now click the Yes button.
Step Seven
Select your USB stick from the list of devices on the left and then click the large Restorebutton.
Step Eight
Navigate to the Patchstick folder on your desktop and choose the atv-patchstick.img file we created earlier.
Step Nine
When asked to confirm the restore click the Yes button. Note: You will lose all previous information on the USB stick.
Step Ten
USB Image Tool will now create your patchstick using the img file we generated earlier.
Step Eleven
Once the restore is complete eject the USB Stick and connect it to your AppleTV.
Step Twelve
Hold down the Menu and - buttons on the AppleTV remote until it reboots.
Step Thirteen
Notice the Patchstick will now do its job and install SSH on the AppleTV.
Step Fourteen
When complete, remove the USB Stick from the AppleTV and unplug the device. Plug it back in to reboot.
Step Fifteen
You can now access your AppleTV via SSH to perform a host of functions and hacks. The default username and password for your AppleTV is now frontrow and frontrow.