Camunda Vs Activiti

Can you guys let us know a use-case where we can use Camunda over Spring Web Flow?Is there a comparison document between the two anywhere(I didn’t find any. Although I found something related to Camunda Vs Sprind Data Flow). If you want what we are trying to do - we are trying to be the backend workflow engine and maintain the workflow using REST APIs for the front end application, which has. Airflow vs Camunda: What are the differences? Developers describe Airflow as 'A platform to programmaticaly author, schedule and monitor data pipelines, by Airbnb'. Use Airflow to author workflows as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) of tasks. The Airflow scheduler executes your tasks on an array of workers while following the specified dependencies.

  1. Camunda Vs Flowable Vs Activiti
  2. Camunda Vs Activities
  3. Camunda Vs Activiti Vs Flowable
  4. Camunda Vs Jbpm Performance

This is an update to my earlier article which was written in 2011 when jBPM 5 was still not available in its final release. We will try to compare the two process engines showing, besides the similarities, also the key differences between them.

jBPM€”is an open source process engine that initially (release 3.x) supported a custom language (named jPDL) to describe business processes. In the next release (4.x) jBPM offered both support for jPDL and the standard BPMN 2.0 which is the standard for business process modelling. The release 4.x of jBPM was never included into RedHat list of supported products and so was not clearly the choice for mission critical project.


Camunda Vs Flowable Vs Activiti

The next version 5.x of jBPM supports BPMN 2.0, and the project has merged with the JBoss Drools project (an open source business-rule management framework) and replaced Drools Flow as the rule flowlanguage for the Drools framework.

Camunda Vs Activities

The key features of jBPM 5 are:

  • Native BPMN2 execution
  • Highly configurable, embeddable, lightweight process engine using a generic process engine (PVM) underneath
  • Domain-specific processes and rule / event integration via the Drools Rule engine and Drools Flow workflow
  • Independent, human tasks service (using WS-HT)
  • Web tooling for things like BPMN2 process creation, deployment, management, reporting (with BIRT) and human tasks
  • Migration capabilities from jBPM 3 and 4 (jPDL 3, 4 to BPMN2)

Activiti, like jBPM, is a business process framework designed around the concept of a state machine. Backed by Alfresco company, Activiti has also the collaboration of many talented people from SpringSource as well.

Some differences do exist, in particular:

Camunda vs activiti vs flowableCamunda vs activiti 2019
  • Activiti has native Spring support which allows using Spring Beans in your process and in data persistence (JPA) as well.
  • Activiti has no native rule engine support but supports a basic integration with Drools to support the business Rule Task
  • Activiti is a bit more friendly for Java developers providing a rich set of BPMN extensions to decorate the process
  • Provides an advanced Web interface (Activiti Explorer) which can be used to start/manage processes and ad hoc task and forms support.

So, in terms of comparison, we can argue that Activiti looks like the logical continuation of jBPM 3(and in fact was developer by the same jBPM 3 guys T. Baeyens, J. Download itunes catalina. Barrez). It has a lower learning curve also due to a very well done documentation, including a quick start tutorial. Activiti platform is completely dedicated to process and workflow management and has some integration support with Rules systems (Drools Expert) and enterprise integration capabilities (Apache Camel and Mule ESB modules).

On the other hand, jBPM 5 has a native built-in business Rules engine therefore, the process and workflow management and rule management capabilities are tightly integrated. In the latest (5.3) release the Eclipse editor has improved a lot its BPMN 2.0 process designer capabilities and a first release of the form editor has been released.

Recently the former key engineers of Alfresco Activiti have announced their resignation from Alfresco. They forked Activiti and started their own project. Though the success of that project remains to be seen (and personally, I wish them all the best), one thing is clear: The talent that has exited the company has left a gaping hole and brings the future direction of the platform into question. Though there are still many developers at Alfresco, we suspect that the Activiti project in two years won’t bear much resemblance to the current Activiti project. This has to be a significant concern to many existing users/customers.

Since we forked Activiti ourselves 3.5 years ago, many users have migrated from Activiti to Camunda, and they haven’t looked back. For those who still use Activiti, I would like to point out 5 good reasons to consider such a migration now.

#1 – The Switch is easy

Although we have dramatically improved the technology since we forked Activiti, the core concepts remained the same, and the migration path to Camunda is very straight-forward – it’s basically a matter of minutes. My co-founder Bernd Rücker has written a step-by-step blog post about it.

Please read: How to migrate from Activiti 5.21 to Camunda BPM 7.5

#2 – Camunda is similar but better

Of course I am biased here, but please let me point out a few facts:

  • There is scientific evidence that the Camunda BPMN engine performs better.
  • Besides BPMN, Camunda supports CMMN (case management) and DMN (decision automation), in both enterprise and the community edition.
  • Camunda comes not only with an engine, but also with very powerful tools for modeling, task management, operations monitoring and user management, all of them open source.

There is a lot more to mention, but I want to keep this brief. Our tech lead Daniel Meyer has written a blog post about the details.

Please read: Camunda Engine Evolution since Activiti Fork

#3 – Camunda is a vital Open Source Project

During the last 3.5 years more than 20 Camunda core developers as well as many, many external contributors have worked together on the open source codebase of Camunda. When you compare Camunda to Activiti on OpenHub, this becomes very obvious, for example when comparing the lines of code of the projects (see graph).

We have worked very closely with our community, and our annual user meeting in Berlin has been growing accordingly. The last meeting on September 15, 2016 attracted more than 120 attendees (click to see Agenda). BPM analyst Sandy Kemsley was in attendance and blogged about her impressions, stating that

“Camunda obviously realizes that the community is an important contributor to the success of the enterprise version of the software and the company altogether, and treats them as trusted partners.”

Many organizations worldwide are using the Camunda BPM community edition, and they are doing amazing things with it. Unfortunately, we are often not allowed to tell the public about it. For example, the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory have been using Camunda since 2014 and only recently allowed us to announce this publicly. We still do not have the permission to officially say what they are using Camunda for, but I dare say that the entire Camunda team is VERY excited about it…

#4 – Camunda comes with a strong commercial backing

Before we forked Activiti, we had already established a profitable BPM focused consulting business. We also had significant visibility in the BPM market, partly thanks to our best-selling book Real-Life BPMN. This allowed us to quickly build a sustainable, rapidly growing product business with a subscription model (i.e., recurring revenue model) for an enterprise version of Camunda BPM.

Today we are serving more than 100 customers, among them AT&T, T-Mobile and Universal Music (click to see more customers). Our annual churn rate (i.e, customers that terminate the subscription) is below 1%, and by end of Q3-2016, we had a year over year revenue growth of 86%. Geographically, we are still headquartered in Berlin where the majority of our 50+ headcount is based. However, we incorporated a subsidiary in San Francisco in 2014 and more recently opened an office in Denver, CO which allows us to serve the North American market even better. Our partner network spans over 20 countries, as well as our customer base.

We have achieved these results within the last 3.5 years and did not take up external funding. Camunda is still run by the owners and owned by the founders which brings us to the last point.

#5 – Camunda is focused on BPM

Camunda Vs Activiti

Between ECM and BPM, there is a small amount of overlap. But not more. Some of our customers use workflow automation for routing documents, but most don’t. Also, the real challenges in BPM technology are not about “low-code” which is a misunderstanding of those software vendors that are driven by IT research firm opinions and short-term shareholder expectations but rather, a profound understanding of user requirements. Unfortunately, you will not come to that degree of understanding, if you’re not sufficiently focused on BPM.

When Bernd and I started the company in 2008, we focused on BPM from day one, because BPM is our passion. Over the years, we hired extraordinary people who share this passion and extend it into areas we would not have imagined. Those people allowed us to start new open source projects such as (which will soon lead to our first SaaS offering), and those people are currently working on an entirely new generation of workflow technology that will make BPMN execution available in a way that you would not consider possible.

In order to attract and keep that kind of talent, a company needs to have a clear and consistent idea about the kind of problems they want to solve, and why that matters. This however will still not ensure that the most talented people will come and stay with you, but without that, you can be sure they won’t.

Camunda Vs Activiti Vs Flowable

We are committed to providing the best BPM technology in the world, and we hope you’ll join us 🙂 Gta san andreas mod packs.

Camunda Vs Jbpm Performance

Staxrip templates. Download now: Camunda BPM Community Edition

Try it out: Get Started with Camunda and BPMN 2.0